Food Stall
in street and market
Grilled chicken
It's a staple street food in Thailand. It is sold cheaply everywhere.
Meat dishes, Not spicy, 60B(Big) 20B(Small)

BBQ Pork
A pork tail often seen in the meat section of a supermarket. I bought this because it was cooked at the stall. The spiciness of the sauce can be specified. If don't specify it, it will be spicy in most cases. From my experience. Therefore, if want to avoid extreme spice, declaration should be needed. The meat has a crunchy texture and is slightly oily. For other recommendation, the pork throat BBQ is. It is a tasty.
Meat dishes, Quite spicy, 70B -

Grilled prawns
A dish cooked the fresh ingredients purchased at the seafood market. A sauce can be purchased separately if like.
Sea food, Not spicy, 260B(1kg) and 30B(BBQ)

Northeastern Thai sausage
Thai northeast cuisine. Sausage that is made by pouring pork, glutinous rice, garlic, vermicelli etc. There seems to be various kinds of seasonings. I do not know the details. This dish is delicious, so I often buy it as a side dish.
Meat dishes, Not spicy, 15B -

Fried insects
Insect food seems to be popular in Thailand, mainly in the northeast region. There are stalls in areas where there are many people from northeast. I buy it very occasionally, just like a feel of challenge myself. Among them, I thought crickets were delicious. It's true.
Snacks, Not spicy, 20B -

Braised stew with Tom Yum flavor
A large pot can be seen in the Thai food market sometime. I was really interested, so I tried. Mainly the internal organs of beef, but they were cooked well and they were chopped into small pieces when purchased, so it was easy to eat. The sour soup was also delicious.
Meat dishes, Not spicy, 60B -

Skewered meatballs and sausage
In Thailand, paste food are preferred and used in cooking. like a "ลูกชิ้น". It is a dish in which they are put on a skewer and grilled, and dipped with a sauce.
Meat dishes, Not spicy, 10B -